Table of Contents

  • CLIN List
  • CLIN Details Dialog
  • Case Details Dialog
  • Mod Details Dialog
  • CLIN List

    CLIN List

    CLIN List

    The CLIN List allows you to do the following:

    • Browse or search CLINs by service and search terms.
    • Sort matching CLINs by CLIN or by name.
    • Download matching CLINs as a CSV file.

    CLIN List: Services Menu

    CLIN List: Services Menu

    CLIN List: Services Menu

    This menu allows you to filter the list of CLINs displayed in in the CLIN List by service.

    CLIN List: Sort Menu

    CLIN List: Sort Menu

    CLIN List: Sort Menu

    This menu allows you to sort the list of CLINs displayed in in the CLIN List by CLIN or by Name.

    CLIN List: List

    CLIN List: List

    CLIN List: List

    This list displays the CLINs which match the filter in the Services Menu and Search Field, sorted by Sort Menu.

    Each entry contains the following:

    • Service ID
    • CLIN
    • CLIN Name
    • Frequency
    • Unit

    Clicking an entry in the List will open the given CLIN in the CLIN Details Dialog.

    CLIN List: Pager

    CLIN List: Pager

    CLIN List: Pager

    The buttons in the Pager allow you to navigate between pages of search results. Click the Download button to download the search results as a CSV file.

    CLIN Details Dialog

    CLIN Details Dialog

    CLIN Details Dialog

    The CLIN Details Dialog shows details about a single CLIN. It contains the following tabs:

    CLIN Details Dialog: CLIN Details Tab

    CLIN Details Dialog: CLIN Details Tab

    CLIN Details Dialog: CLIN Details Tab

    This tab displays the following attributes of the selected CLIN:

    • CLIN: A 7-digit alphanumeric string that uniquely identifies this Contract Line Item Number (CLIN).

    • CLIN Name: The name of this CLIN.

    • Frequency: The charging frequency of this CLIN.

      One of the following:

      • MRC: Monthly-Recurring Charge.
      • NRC: Non-Recurring Charge.
      • Usage: Usage-based charging.
    • Charging Unit: The charging unit of this CLIN.

    • Mandatory CLIN: Is this a mandatory CLIN?

    • NSP: Is a Not Separately Priced (NSP) CLIN?

    • Service ID: The unique identifier for the parent service of this CLIN.

    • Service Name: The name of the parent service of this CLIN.

    • Section Number: The RFP section number of the parent service of this CLIN.

    • CBSA Based Service: Is the parent service of this CLIN CBSA-based?

      In other words, is the parent service awarded awarded by CBSA for domestic regions and by Country/Jurisdiction for non-domestic regions?

    • Mandatory Service: Is the parent service of this CLIN a mandatory service?

      Vendors must offer one mandatory voice service at all awarded CBSAs.

    • Voice Service: Is the parent service of this CLIN a voice service (one of CSVS or IPVS)?

      Vendors must offer one mandatory voice service at all awarded CBSAs.

    • CLIN Notes: Any additional notes about this CLIN.

    Click the Price CLIN button to price this CLIN in a new browser tab using the Unit Pricer.

    If the parent service has a service guide, you can click the View Service Guide button to view the service guide in a new browser tab using the Service Guides tool.

    If the parent service is CBSA based, you can also click the Check Service Availability button to see which CBSAs the parent service was awarded at with the CBSA Lookup tool.

    CLIN Details Dialog: Associated CLINs Tab

    CLIN Details Dialog: Associated CLINs Tab

    CLIN Details Dialog: Associated CLINs Tab

    The Associated CLINs Tab displays a list of CLINs associated with this CLIN.

    Many CLINs have corresponding associated CLINs that should be priced together to calculate a complete price.

    For example, a Monthly Recurring Charge (MRC) CLIN may have one or more associated Non-Recurring Charge (NRC) CLINs, and vice-versa.

    Each entry in the list of associated CLINs contains the following information:

    • CLIN
    • CLIN Name
    • Charging Frequency

    You can view the details of an associated CLIN in this window by selecting it from the list, and then clicking the View Details button.

    You can price an associated CLIN in this window by selecting it from the list, and then clicking the Price CLIN button.

    You can also download the entire list of associated CLINs as a CSV file by clicking the Download button.

    CLIN Details Dialog: Auto-Sold CLINs Tab

    CLIN Details Dialog: Auto-Sold CLINs Tab

    CLIN Details Dialog: Auto-Sold CLINs Tab

    The Auto-Sold CLINs Tab displays a list of auto-sold CLINs associated with this CLIN and the selected vendor.

    You can select a different vendor using the Vendor dropdown menu.

    Each entry in the list of auto-sold CLINs contains the following information:

    • CLIN
    • CLIN Name
    • Charging Frequency
    • Case Number

    You can view the details of an auto-sold CLIN in this window by selecting it from the list, and then clicking the View Details button.

    You can price an auto-sold CLIN in this window by selecting it from the list, and then clicking the Price CLIN button.

    You can also download the entire list of auto-sold CLINs for this CLIN and vendor as a CSV file by clicking the Download button.

    CLIN Details Dialog: B-Tables Tab

    CLIN Details Dialog: B-Tables Tab

    CLIN Details Dialog: B-Tables Tab

    The B-Tables Tab lists the price tables that may contain prices for this CLIN.

    Each entry in the list of B-Tables contains the following information:

    • Section: The RFP section that describes the structure of this table.
    • Name: Table name.
    • Description: A brief description of this table.

    CLIN Details Dialog: Case Numbers Tab

    CLIN Details Dialog: Case Numbers Tab

    CLIN Details Dialog: Case Numbers Tab

    The Case Numbers Tab displays case numbers for the selected CLIN.

    You can limit the list of visible case numbers to a specific vendor using the Vendor dropdown menu, and search the available case numbers using the search field.

    Click on a case number to view additional details in the Case Details Dialog.

    Note: This tab is only visible on the agency pricer, and only for ICB, Catalog, and SRE CLINs.

    CLIN Details Dialog: Contract Mods Tab

    CLIN Details Dialog: Contract Mods Tab

    CLIN Details Dialog: Contract Mods Tab

    The Contract Mods Tab displays contract modifications (mods) that have affected this CLIN.

    You can limit the list of visible mods to a specific vendor using the Vendor dropdown menu, and search the list of mods using the search field.

    Each entry in the list of mods contains the following information:

    • Vendor Name
    • Awarded Mod ID
    • Award Date
    • Summary

    Click on a mod to view additional details in the Mod Details Dialog.

    CLIN Details Dialog: Help Tab

    The Help Tab displays help for the CLIN Details Dialog.

    Case Details Dialog

    Case Details Dialog

    Case Details Dialog

    This window shows any details provided by the vendor about the selected case number.

    Case Details Dialog: Case Details Tab

    Case Details Dialog: Case Details Tab

    Case Details Dialog: Case Details Tab

    This tab shows the details for the selected case number.

    Case Details Dialog: Comparison Tab

    Case Details Dialog: Comparison Tab

    Case Details Dialog: Comparison Tab

    The Comparisons tab is only visible when a Service-Related Equipment (SRE) CLIN is selected.

    The Unit Pricer tool will compare SRE case number prices between vendors by matching the manufacturer, model number, and part number.

    This tab lists the case numbers from other vendors that will be compared against the price for the currently selected case number.

    Click the Download button to download the comparison list as a CSV file.

    Case Details Dialog: Help Tab

    Case Details Dialog: Help Tab

    Case Details Dialog: Help Tab

    The Help tab displays a brief description of each tab in the Case Details dialog.

    Mod Details Dialog

    Mod Details Dialog

    Mod Details Dialog

    The Mod Details Dialog shows additional details about the given contract modification (mod).

    Mod Details Dialog: Summary Tab

    Mod Details Dialog: Summary Tab

    Mod Details Dialog: Summary Tab

    The Summary Tab shows the summary text of the selected mod.

    Mod Details Dialog: CLINs Tab

    Mod Details Dialog: CLINs Tab

    Mod Details Dialog: CLINs Tab

    The CLINs Tab lists the CLINs affected by the selected mod.

    You can click on a CLIN to view it in the CLIN Details Dialog, or click the Download button to download the entire list of CLINs as a CSV file.

    Mod Details Dialog: Tables Tab

    Mod Details Dialog: Tables Tab

    Mod Details Dialog: Tables Tab

    The Tables Tab lists the tables affected by the selected mod.

    You can click the Download button to download the entire list of tables as a CSV file.


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